“Very Horny Little Country Lady Needs Your Experience!!!”
Hey y’all out there! Nice to meet ya! My name is Nikki Star, and I’m from Mississippi. I’m excited to be working here at the Sagebrush Ranch Brothel ! As you might have already guessed, I am a young country gal who has never been to the “big city” and after living my whole life in Mississippi, I feel like this is being in Hollywood! So for those of you who would like a nice innocent girl-next-door, I sure am that girl! I am all-natural and have no pretenses or fakeness about me- back where I am from everyone is just themselves, down to earth and honest about almost everything! So I should tell you up front, I don’t have very much sexual experience- hardy any at all!!! Can you help me out? I sure hope so! Another thing I have never been anywhere outside of my hometown before, so if you would like to have a nice girlfriend on you arm while you show me all the local attractions in the local area, I would be most appreciative you could also bring another girl with us if you would like! I think I’ve said all I can think of for the moment! Like I said, I am a simple, sweet girl, who is finally ready to step up and out- all I need is you to make it happen I think it would be great! Please write me an email, or come on down to the Sagebrush Brothel and ask for me by name name or you can even call and book a appointment so you can know for sure you will have me waiting for you when you arrive! I will be so flattered if you did! Bye for now and hope to see you very soon!

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