
The image of the dominatrix has undergone certain changes over the past few years. The traditional black-leather-clad, snarling, insulting, humiliating, stimulating super-bitch wielding a whip or bondage instruments on her willing “victims” is still very much alive, but softer, more playful versions of femdominance have emerged, too. The key is sexual authority; the courtesan you engage at the Sagebrush Ranch can play the part of the harsh punisher of men and women who are emotionally released by being disciplined; or, you can agree to have your femdom sexually tease and mock-torture you manually or orally to the point of near-orgasm, repeatedly ordering you not to cum until she gives you permission to do so. Make whatever arrangements you want with your courtesan femdom; just remember, your obedience is the key to your satisfaction.

Delilah Rae


Delilah Rae Weight: 130 [...]

Delilah Rae2024-03-02T02:33:35+00:00
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