“Let’s forget the world, even just for a moment, and have an uncomplicated, unspoiled good time.”
If you ever wondered what it would have been like spending an evening with the girl you caught staring at you in the library stacks in college, matched with a sweet and down-to-earth demeanor, you’ve found her. Something about a woman who is well-dressed and well-read enamored you. Like you, she pays attention to detail and is curious about exploring new possibilities. Naturally charming, she caught you glancing at her and smiled at you, wishing you would have introduced yourself. What if you had a chance to talk to her? What would it be like sharing an occasion with someone who can captivate you in a number of ways?
Though I fell in love with the big city, I will always be a nice girl from the Midwest. I love culture, but I’m not pretentious. I love spending evenings, free from the confines of routine and exploring chemistry with someone else. Let’s forget the world, even just for a moment, and have an uncomplicated, unspoiled good time.

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